
Welcome to the place where nothing is off limits! Sometimes it is hard to hear your voice in our society. This is a place where all I care about is your voice. I am a black working woman. But I know that sometimes people put you in a box. You are not just a wife, mother, nurse, sister, daughter. You are all those things and more. And sometimes you can't tell your husband how you feel about something, or maybe he just won't understand. Men maybe you feel like no one can know how hard it is to be a man in this day and time. Tell me why, I want us all to try to understand each other. Corey doesn't judge. I only want to talk. This is my safe place and I would love it to be yours as well. We will talk about everything from politics to sexual health. Let your voices be heard! Welcome.


Friday, July 2, 2010

Being Honest

It has been said time and time again that honesty is the best policy, but does the average person want honesty? Or do they want a lie that will help them sleep at night? I have found that most people want a lie. Oh they will say they want the truth, until what I like to call an "ugly truth" appears, then they spend all their waking hours wishing they had the lie to comfort them in a dark lonely bed at night. I will tell you quickly that I love a lie. I tend to be in bliss with a lie. Don't get me wrong, I love the bliss, but can't respect it. It is like a booty call late in the night, that you can not be seen with in the public eye of daylight. The truth though often ugly I can respect. The truth is dependable like an old friend or your credit score. LOL. Well some people's score anyway. Whether it be personal or work related the truth is the truth no matter if it is sunny or rainy outside. Lies tend to morph into unreconizable beings that always let you down in the end.
So family do you want the truth or a lie?
When you decide let me know!XOXOXO Corey

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