
Welcome to the place where nothing is off limits! Sometimes it is hard to hear your voice in our society. This is a place where all I care about is your voice. I am a black working woman. But I know that sometimes people put you in a box. You are not just a wife, mother, nurse, sister, daughter. You are all those things and more. And sometimes you can't tell your husband how you feel about something, or maybe he just won't understand. Men maybe you feel like no one can know how hard it is to be a man in this day and time. Tell me why, I want us all to try to understand each other. Corey doesn't judge. I only want to talk. This is my safe place and I would love it to be yours as well. We will talk about everything from politics to sexual health. Let your voices be heard! Welcome.


Sunday, July 31, 2011

Are you just reacting to life?

We would all like to believe that we have as much control over the choices that we make and the paths that we walk. I myself will tell anyone quick that I have what I have because I worked hard and stayed loyal to my dreams no matter what surprises life threw my way. But as I think about where it actually is that my life is at this point I have noticed that it is not just my choices that got me to where I am now, don't get me wrong I did make most of my own choices. And I am happy with the life that has resulted from those choices. But the things I am talking about are the choices I made due to other people making choices for them that effected me. Now, time for an example. Have you ever heard "I am just not what you need right now"? First I am going to say this is a total bullshit excuse. But second you have now made a choice for me to move on even though that might not have been what I wanted at that time. Not my choice just the result of another person's choice. Now most of us have the ablity to dust ourselves off and get right back out there and find someone that will make us happy, but the fact remains a choice was made that wasn't your own. Some of us will even find the good in goodbye but again not by choice. So my point is life happens when it does,ready or not. It is not because of the choices you make alone, it is also depending on the choices we make as a result to the choices that are made for us. Whether we like it or not most of life is reacting to other peoples bullshit and somehow growing roses from crap. Now saying that I think I have a pretty great rose bush!

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