
Welcome to the place where nothing is off limits! Sometimes it is hard to hear your voice in our society. This is a place where all I care about is your voice. I am a black working woman. But I know that sometimes people put you in a box. You are not just a wife, mother, nurse, sister, daughter. You are all those things and more. And sometimes you can't tell your husband how you feel about something, or maybe he just won't understand. Men maybe you feel like no one can know how hard it is to be a man in this day and time. Tell me why, I want us all to try to understand each other. Corey doesn't judge. I only want to talk. This is my safe place and I would love it to be yours as well. We will talk about everything from politics to sexual health. Let your voices be heard! Welcome.


Saturday, May 1, 2010


It is always said that most people are afraid of change. I am going to disagree and say that it is not the change itself but what the change may bring. Some of you are scratching your heads out there saying isn't that the same thing. Yes and no. See no answer is black and white. I was emailed at work, and told that my employer would be watching me. By that I mean they claimed to be watching my facebook, twitter, myspace to make sure I was not talking badly about them. Then after saying that they threatened to delete posts that they didn't like. So by the action they are saying you cannot go home, on the computer you paid for and post on your facebook or other social network that you had a bad day and work sucks. Your right to privacy and free speech gone just like that, for the sake of staying quiet and keeping your job. After all we are still in a recession, and those of us who have a job are lucky right. I don't know about you good people out there, but I served my country during a time of war. I did my part, then got out and got my degrees all so someone who doesn't even fully grasp what freedom means to tell me I can't express my self. My, my people big brother getting a little to real for me. Most people want revamp whole ways of thinking without having the basics. Did your mother ask you to jump from laying on your back to riding a bike? No ma'am! You crawl before you walk. All I am saying is change is a process not a magical wand that CEO's can use to make their dick bigger.

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