
Welcome to the place where nothing is off limits! Sometimes it is hard to hear your voice in our society. This is a place where all I care about is your voice. I am a black working woman. But I know that sometimes people put you in a box. You are not just a wife, mother, nurse, sister, daughter. You are all those things and more. And sometimes you can't tell your husband how you feel about something, or maybe he just won't understand. Men maybe you feel like no one can know how hard it is to be a man in this day and time. Tell me why, I want us all to try to understand each other. Corey doesn't judge. I only want to talk. This is my safe place and I would love it to be yours as well. We will talk about everything from politics to sexual health. Let your voices be heard! Welcome.


Thursday, May 13, 2010


Awhile ago before my sister September got married, we had a conversation about whether or not if monogamy was realistic. As we all know monogamy is defined as the act of having only one sexual partner. Now in our society, be automaticly assume(which I urge you ladies never to do) that marriage is one of monogamy as well.

Now that I am close to marriage myself, someone else (I am thinking they are a hater myself) if I thought that a wife and husband of todays culture could be faithfull. I have to say I really with all my heart hope so. Now my internet family I have never been one to just lie for no reason. I don't believe in that. The question is do you or don't you believe that one person can stay totally committed to another person for the rest of their lives? I still am going to say yes. I mean I remember the time( not personally of course) where couples used to be married for, well life. I still see some of my elderly patients at my day( I should say night) job that have been married for sixty years so why not me too.

In a conversation that I had with my soon to be husband Mike yesterday, we described how we thought each other will look in sixty years. We saw ourselves still together but with noted changes. I saw him with a walker. LOL, and he said "no , I am going to have one of those chairs that spends on a dime, you better hop on it." Just the mere thought of imaging us together at that age made me smile and think hell yeah! He is the one for me.

My next question was, are these the questions that young people ask themselves before they get married nowadays? I urge my fellow young adults to ask yourself before any big decision. Will I still want this in twenty years? Even if you are asking it about a career change or a life partner, ask it. It will make all the difference if not make things a little clear.

Till next time, with love Corey

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